Award: Bluebonnet 2011
Exposition: Baby moose wanders away and falls asleep in a duck nest amongst 5 duck eggs. Mother Ducky finds him and decides he is one of her eggs that has hatched.
Conflict: Baby moose just can’t fit in as a duck even though he tries. He knows he is just an uglified ducky.
Rising Action: Baby moose tries to quack, swim, and fly like a duck without any success.
Climax:When baby moose can’t fly like a duck, he decides to go away.
Falling Action: Baby moose wanders into a glen where big beasties are drinking out of the pond.
Resolution: Baby moose is told by one of the beasties that is a moose.
Illustrations: Terrific illustrations using bold colors and full page with text overlay. Even though the story is engaging, the illustrations are just as engaging showing emotion on the character’s faces. Being full page illustrations they are able to utilize the space to show other aspects of the characters within their surroundings. Beginning readers would be able to decipher the plot by looking at the pictures.
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